Harrison Scott Associates is the largest recruitment company in the UK in Print, Packaging and Paper.
Our aim is to develop long term alliances, whereby we act as an extension to clients' businesses by having an in-depth knowledge of their culture and commercial development.
For Candidates, unlike the short-term policies of many recruitment consultancies, we see our relationship with you lasting until retirement age. We have had the pleasure of watching many people we have dealt with over the years develop to the benefit of themselves and their employers. We do not just want to be there when there is talk of someone moving on, but also be available for advice on any matters such as company car policies, taxation, employment law and any other areas we can be of assistance.
Modus Operandi
To Clients
Harrison Scott has a unique policy of putting the candidates' interests first in the recruitment process. We make no secret of this and state openly in our advertising: "Although clients are responsible for paying our fee, we never hide the fact that the candidates' future is our first priority in the recruitment process. As a consequence of this policy our team of consultants have developed long term relationships with the Industry's top people who make Harrison Scott Associates their first call when considering a career move".
Making the candidate king is good for clients
The philosophy the company adopts obviously poses the question "Are clients offended by 'being second' in the commercial relationship?" Considering the success of Harrison Scott over the years this is obviously a winning formula. Top management within organisations didn't get where they are today without having a high level of ability and common sense. Therefore it does not take a genius to work out that in markets where demand is greater than supply the recruitment company that aligns itself strongly to the interests of candidates is likely to be the one that attracts the better quality candidate and in greater numbers.
We strive at all times to work in accord with our partners to develop and maintain close and harmonious working ties. We believe a strong working relationship to be of ultimate benefit to all.
To Candidates
Although many candidates deal with us because we are the largest in the UK within most of our specialist sectors, most work with us because our focus is on their needs. This is no better articulated than the statement which appears in many of our advertisements:- Our teams of highly trained consultants are passionately committed to specialist areas of the market, and as a company we never lose sight of the fact that it is a person's career and livelihood we are dealing with and as such we will never compromise on the quality of advice we give on the many opportunities we handle nationally.
Whether we come to you or you come to us it is our job to act professionally on your behalf.
We are not in the numbers game, we do not push c.v.'s out randomly and we do not pester you. Our approach to you is to usually to discuss one particular assignment that we may feel could be of interest to you. If it is, we begin the process of introduction to our client. If it is the fact you have come to us and we have developed a greater understanding of your needs and requirements and your reasons and motivations to seek new pastures we will discuss a tailored and bespoke proactive career plan on your behalf.
We will brief you on the roles available, we will advise you as to what to look at to help you get more familiar with our clients, all the tools you would and should expect out of any respectable recruitment consultancy. We pride ourselves on having the best career opportunities available and the best contacts within our respective industries. What should be of great comfort to you is that at all times you can be assured of our utmost discretion and confidentiality.