It’s been a whole year since you last got an email from me,

I’ve done a lot of growing since then, from the picture you’ll see.

Getting really good at the tricks like sit, lie down and give paw,

Not got the hang of “calm” yet, but we’re all allowed one flaw?!

If you’ve been on the phone to my mummy, you may have heard me bark,

I apologise about that, it’s just me asking when we’re next going to the park.

I love it when we go there, running around and feeling so free,

My favourite thing is chasing squirrels until they run up a tree.


Most of the time when she’s working, I think I’ve been pretty good,

I’ve realised that when I’m well behaved, I get rewarded with food.

I snuggle up in my bed with teddy and sleep for most of the day,

Saving up all my energy for the next time she takes me out to play.


I’ve also got better at knowing what I should and shouldn’t touch,

I’ve stopped stealing socks, and not getting into trouble as much.

And speaking of things I shouldn’t chew, that big tree’s here again,

I remember this time last year, and all the good times we had then.


I got lots of new toys, wrapped up in paper that was shiny and gold,

“These are for you, Merry Christmas Leia”, is what I was told.

I was also given turkey and carrots served to me on a plate,

I can still remember it now, the yummiest thing I ever ate.


I’m wondering if it will be the same this year, oh pleeease be so,

And what would top it all off, is if the garden was covered in snow.

I hope you have the most special time with family and friends too,

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year, lots of love from me to you.

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